“Bon jour, ça va?” In French that means, “Hello, how’s it going?” As you walk the hallways of Academie Lafayette you’ll hear French all around you, as the Middle School is a French Immersion school.

For this project, after several meetings with teaches and staff members the project was set in motion. Then we hosted an assembly and brought in four muralists to meet the students. With the help of the Art Teacher, Ms. Ramey, and other teachers, the students divided into four groups and each spent some time with an artist, and a conversation was had. “What inspires you? What do you think would best represent you on a mural? What’s important to you about your time at Académie Lafayette?” It was a great afternoon that led to four great murals that will represent these students for years in their cafeteria.


City Summit - Kansas City 2022


Guadalupe Centers Middle School